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Warnings from thunderstorms and rainy weather today

By, 2018-04-07

If you are willing to go outside today, it is better for you to take an umbrella. The Meteorological Department warned of the possibility of rain and thunderstorms in some areas on Saturday (April 7th).


The Meteorological Department has warned of the latest aerial and radar images from a completely cloudy atmosphere and monitoring of light rain in the north, northwest and west of the country, where the activity of thunder cells on the coast and inside the sea is expected in the next few hours. The inshore wind speed  will be 18-25 knots while the offshore wind speed will be 20-25 knots with thunderstorms. The temperature will range from 25-30 ° C in Doha.


From its side, the General Directorate of Traffic warned the drivers of this unstable atmosphere and published some tips for drivers on how to drive in the rainy weather to reduce traffic accidents as following:


  1. Commit to the middle path and stay away from road margins.
  2. Reduce speed to help control the car.
  3. Ensure the safety of  and brakes.



Based on the latest updates by the Department of Meteorology, the weather will prevail in a cloudy atmosphere with the possibility of some rainfall in different areas during the next two days. It is worth mentioning that the Department keeps publishing the updates of weather conditions through its official Social Media profiles.


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